
One day you are a girl and then basically overnight you become a mother. What’s motherhood? No one tells us how it is being pregnant and being somewhat protective of yourself and your child and then opa! A child pops up and your feelings and hormones are different. You look at this little pumpkin, smell his head and this smell takes you somewhere where you become a wild animal who would do anything to protect this new precious life. Later when the years have passed you look at the same pumpkin of yours and wonder where the time went. You didn’t notice how your precious little one had become not so little anymore, who knows things and argues with you, and then when their child pops up…and suddenly you are grandma…. Motherhood is not easy…it is not tough either but it sure is a very huge responsibility in life. You need to foster them correctly, and you also need to be careful with your own life because the little pumpkins are watching and copying you…Motherhood is when you are driven not by your interests and convenience but rather by what would be good for your child. One needs to think about what values you’d like your child to have. And be ready to say yes to your child sometimes when everything else inside screams no but it’s better for your child to have different experience and your own fears and disbeliefs try to ruin it…motherhood is serious…it requires being wise and slow…observant…not anxious running around trying to win battles at work, with men, or at home with your man…motherhood is an interesting journey that is very beneficial if you are ready to face your own fears but let your child live their life, not yours…