A lot of the times the words wealthy and successful tend to go hand in hand. Society has defined what it means to be wealthy and successful but not everyone fits this mold. Weather or not you may be wealthy and successful can only be determined by you. Reaching your true level of success is different for everyone. Some base their level of success on how much money they make or how far they make it in their career or how many children they have or how perfect their marriage may be. It varies for everyone. 

There are so many ways to determine success, how do you define it for yourself?

For some the feeling of being needed, that feeling of somebody wanting something from us and actually being able to give it, is exactly what they need to be fulfilled. This feeling can be accomplished through marriage or perhaps through the act of having children. As long as someone is there to make you feel needed. This can in turn give you a sense of power that you never thought you would be able to possess. Creating the form of wealth and success that you were craving.

Others put all their success and wealth in how their family is functioning.

Is everyone happy? Is everyone healthy? If someone isn’t, how can I change this? These are the questions that are constantly running through the minds of those who base success on their family life. We all know that family life has the potential to greatly affect your overall emotions so it’s no surprise that this automatically influences how you view your success in life. It is extremely common for some to believe that they have failed at reaching success because that have failed in their family life. Being a stay at home mother and wife is reaching success in itself. You go through numerous experiences just be being there 24/7. It is the most important thing for a female to do.

Some believe that being successful starts and ends with the feelings you may have towards yourself. Self-confidence is one of the many keys to wealth that you have complete control over. Without self-confidence, one won’t be able to achieve anything and therefore, will be unable to reach success. If one doesn’t have any self-confidence, one doesn’t get anywhere. So what kind of confidence should you be focusing on? If you ask me I believe that confidence should start with interior traits. If you don’t love your inner personality, then how do you expect to love what you can see. 

What truly matters is what’s on the inside. Living life relying on exterior traits, in my opinion, is the worst way to live. You might be able to succeed while you’re young and sassy. You might be able to project your appearances onto those around you and land a good career. You might be able to swoop a nice boy or girl off their feet. You can neglect the idea of family and live a fast life, all until about the age of 45. But then what? I’ve seen it over and over, people hung up on their own exterior confidence and image only to face their later years of life with fear, neglect, and emptiness.

It is very important that wealth and success be built on a foundation of inner love and respect first.

Think about it. You choose how to label your wealth and success. What is most valuable to you and what do you believe is worth the most in your life? The only one who can determine that is you and society’s view should have no say in the matter.