Don’t Wait For Prince Charming – Take Charge Of Your Life!

Motherhood, Relationships|

All of you are aware that I'm a strong believer in women’s power and their purpose; however, I have spent a lot of time observing and thinking about that mission, and if it is even necessary to have family and children, and so on. Something happened recently in the life that compelled me to write this [...]

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Are Gifts And Compliments From Your Man Lowering Your Self-Esteem?


More thoughts on self-esteem... Are you ready?! Do you like it when a guy gives you presents and gifts? Can you accept it? Would you like to have more, or would you rather that you never received a single thing? When I say presents, I'm not talking about gift cards or a bottle of a cologne [...]

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Stop Fighting And Start Winning In Your Relationships


We always hear that the family institution is almost totally diminished. Have you ever thought about why this is happening? I’d like to prompt you to think about that one reason we’re going to talk about. I want to say 85% (though it’s probably a higher percentage in reality) of families have partners with competitive relationships. [...]

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In Pursuit Of Youth And The “Ideal” Body Type

Feminism, Relationships|

As always on weekends, my husband and I go out to do things together. Those days usually include just hanging out and holding hands, having lunches, grabbing and sharing chocolate in one of the chocolateries around LA, shopping, going to the movies, museums ... you name it. Anyway, with the summer sale going on, there was [...]

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Is what you wear attracting the man you want?

Feminism, Relationships|

Where should I start? Hmmm... There are so many ways that I can address this topic that I sometimes get lost in my own thoughts. We live in a society that sells women's sexuality left and right. I'm sure I’m not the first person you hear that from; it's often been discussed. Some people listen and [...]

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Unleash Yourself: The Power Of Not Thinking


Recently, I noticed that a friend, who has amazing charisma, which could've been used in a different way, is destroying her and her life. That prompted me to write what I’m about to share with you today. Whenever I see a woman who is proudly announcing to the world "I'm smart and self-sufficient", I feel sympathetic [...]

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