Cooking & The Kitchen: A Women’s Role


Today I want to talk about cooking, the kitchen, food and the “chores” commonly associated with the female gender. Since ancient times, the kitchen has been considered a sacred place where food is cooked and family gathers. It is a shared space. It was a place where yelling, cursing and trash were prohibited. Today, many of [...]

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Expectations of Women: Living In The Moment

Feminism, Motherhood, Relationships|

WHY DO WE WANT MORE THAN WE HAVE? WHY IS IT THAT IT ALWAYS SEEMS THAT WE CAN’T LIVE IN AND APPRECIATE THE MOMENT UNTIL IT IS OVER? Today, I woke up thinking about these questions. I’ve written a lot of articles and said a lot of things, but I don’t want you to think for [...]

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Women, Ask Your Man For Help


Recently, I have been reading a lot of comments from proud women telling me things. They commented on topics along the lines of: “I don’t need a man to validate my existence” and “if a man doesn’t do what I want, he’s not a real man”. After reading these comments, it triggered my desire to share [...]

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A Women’s Nature


Yesterday I had a conversation with one of my close acquaintances. We spoke about her daughter and how she shared that she pushes her to be active and to participate in sports. I asked her why she wants her daughter to be active in sports, but she wasn’t able to give me a reasonable answer. A [...]

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Women Wanting To “Win”: How it’s Hurting Your Relationship


So, it seems to be pretty common to hear that the idea of “family” as we used to know it is disappearing. This being said, have you ever taken a moment to think why? Well, in my opinion, it all boils down to the idea of competition. From my experience, 85% or more relationships are based [...]

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Turn Off Your Brain, Let Him Be Your Man!


Some time ago I wrote an article suggesting us females turn off our brains. I thought it was pretty clear what I meant. Later, I realized that many women read it literally without looking into context and without actually reading the article.   To clarify it a little bit, I want to start off by telling [...]

Why You Need A Relationship This Holiday Season?


Right now, it's the holiday season and we should be celebrating it! We should be happy but somehow some of us can't help but feel sad and depressed. It seems to be a classic trend that people tend to get down in the dumps during the holiday season. Let’s take a closer look at this phenomena, [...]

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Sex: How It Controls Your Relationship


We are often faced with situations in our life where we have had great sexual relationships in the beginning of a relationship; talking, spending time together and just being very close in general. Then, after a while having it all of that fade away. Sometimes women question themselves, thinking “Why has he stopped paying attention to [...]

Feminism: Is A Woman’s Place At Home?

Feminism, Motherhood, Relationships|

Have you ever thought of what means to be a woman? What is the concept of being a woman? No, I'm not talking about nasty pains through your monthly cycle, mood swings, overwhelming emotions, and you don't know where they’re coming from or why, and more. I'm talking about the sacred meaning of being a woman. [...]

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Are You Using Sex As A Weapon?


How often are we faced with a situation in our lives when people had had a great sexual relationship at the beginning of their relationship; they start off being very close, they talk, spent time together, but after a while, all of that fades away. Sometimes women ask questions like "why did he stop paying attention [...]

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