Success Doesn’t Just Come Easy

Feminism, Relationships|

I know a lot of very successful people and I’ve been observing them. I’ve always been interested them. They’re always busy - as if they don't have a life, right? However, they do. If you look at their schedule they have tons of meetings, dinners, and other social events to attend. They almost always have [...]

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Men Are The Sun, Women Are The Moon

Feminism, Relationships|

I have made a comparison between men and women and the sun and the moon in a few of my posts. It wasn’t a coincidence! Men and women each have a certain type of energy that our nature is based on. If we follow that basis, we usually feel happy, calm, secure, and our relationships as [...]

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Dealing with Divorce and Loneliness

Feminism, Husband and Wife, Life, Relationships|

I have found that in my years, many people tend to trust me. They tell me things that they’d never tell anyone else. The other day while I was getting my facial, I was talking to my beautician about her divorce. When the beautician started telling me her story, I began thinking about how us, women, are [...]

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There Is A Difference Between Being Smart And Wise

Feminism, Life, Relationships|

Every time I read a new comment online or meet another woman who believes her pivot is being super smart, or hear a story of a broken family with a “successful “ woman, I feel like I need to talk more about it! Women need to be women first and foremost. I will try to give [...]

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How He Treats You Correlates To Your Self-Esteem

Feminism, Relationships|

What do his gifts say about you? Do you like it when a man buys you gifts? Do you accept it? Do you want more, or have you even received one? When I say gifts, I’m not talking about gift cards or something bought last-minute just to avoid embarrassment. I’m talking about an actual thought-out gift [...]

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Feminism, Life, Motherhood, Relationships|

Whenever I'm out, I take some time to observe my surroundings, particularly couples. Whether I'm at the farmers market, a cafe, a store or a restaurant, I pay attention to couples and how they interact with their kids. Today, I want to talk about couples and their relationships with their children as well as the tendencies [...]


A Woman Talking About What She Is Looking For In A Man


The other day my husband and I had coffee in one of our favorite places and we overheard a conversation between two women. Not that we were paying attention intentionally- we were very engaged in our own conversation but the girl was so loud and so demanding in her way of talking that we couldn't help [...]

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Intuition: Should You Fight For Your Relationship?


The other day while I was getting my facial, I was talking to my beautician or rather she was talking to me, about her divorce. I have found in my years, that many people tend to trust me. They tell me things that they’d never tell anyone else. So, when the beautician started telling me her [...]

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Family Hierarchy: Who To Prioritize?

Motherhood, Relationships|

Every time when I am out and about, I take some time to observe my surroundings, particularly couples. Whether if I’m at the farmers market, at a cafe, a store or a restaurant I always pay attention to couples and how they interact with their kids. Today, I want to talk about couples and their relationships [...]

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