Don’t Wait For Prince Charming – Take Charge Of Your Life!

Motherhood, Relationships|

All of you are aware that I'm a strong believer in women’s power and their purpose; however, I have spent a lot of time observing and thinking about that mission, and if it is even necessary to have family and children, and so on. Something happened recently in the life that compelled me to write this [...]

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Learn To Live Life Through Your Feelings

Life, Motherhood|

A couple of events happened the other day that triggered me to first, ponder and second, write this article. That day I was bathing my son and all of a sudden, he started to slip from my hand. The bathtub was slippery and I couldn't quite catch him steady enough, so I tried to find some [...]

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Enjoy Your Pregnancy & End The Mood Swing Myth

Life, Motherhood|

I wasn't sure if this is the right topic to talk about but I decided to share my experience, so maybe somebody can benefit from it, ponder it , and at least give it some thought. I’ve been carefully observing women who are pregnant and on the edge of their delivery. Women who were thinking of [...]

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