Being a Stay At Home Mom Shouldn’t Be A Punishment


I have a friend who is a housewife and in the last couple of months, she has been saying things like, “I don’t want to stay home. I’m bored and am become boring. It’s not fun staying home – it’s degrading”. Yesterday, I met a woman who said to me with pride, “My grandmother taught [...]

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Enjoy The Journey To Motherhood


I wasn't sure if this was the right topic to talk about, but I’ve decided to share my experience. Maybe someone can benefit from it, ponder, or at least give it some thought. I’ve been carefully observing women who are pregnant and on the edge of their delivery. Women who were thinking of getting pregnant and [...]

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Feminism, Life, Motherhood, Relationships|

Whenever I'm out, I take some time to observe my surroundings, particularly couples. Whether I'm at the farmers market, a cafe, a store or a restaurant, I pay attention to couples and how they interact with their kids. Today, I want to talk about couples and their relationships with their children as well as the tendencies [...]


Being a Stay-At-Home Wife and Having a Family Means Everything or Nothing?


I have a friend who is a housewife and, especially in the last couple of months, she has been saying things like, “I don't want to stay home, be bored and become boring, it's not interesting, I'm degrading." Yesterday, I met a woman who said to me with pride, “My grandmother taught me that I have [...]

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Family Hierarchy: Who To Prioritize?

Motherhood, Relationships|

Every time when I am out and about, I take some time to observe my surroundings, particularly couples. Whether if I’m at the farmers market, at a cafe, a store or a restaurant I always pay attention to couples and how they interact with their kids. Today, I want to talk about couples and their relationships [...]

The Joy Of A Housewife

Feminism, Life, Motherhood|

So I have a friend who over the last couple months has told me that she doesn't want to stay at home anymore. She feels things at home are becoming stale, uninteresting and pretty much every other synonym of the word boring. Yesterday, I met another woman who said to me that her grandmother taught her [...]

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Expectations of Women: Living In The Moment

Feminism, Motherhood, Relationships|

WHY DO WE WANT MORE THAN WE HAVE? WHY IS IT THAT IT ALWAYS SEEMS THAT WE CAN’T LIVE IN AND APPRECIATE THE MOMENT UNTIL IT IS OVER? Today, I woke up thinking about these questions. I’ve written a lot of articles and said a lot of things, but I don’t want you to think for [...]

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Pregnancy: Loving Yourself Before Loving A Child


The other day I was out shopping and overhead a conversation between two girls. One of them was pregnant and the other clearly wasn’t. The pregnant girl told her friend that she can’t wait for when her child pops out. She elaborated about how she is tired of carrying a child around. Personally, I can empathize [...]

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A Women’s Role: Marriage, Home & Children

Husband and Wife, Motherhood|

All of you are aware that I'm a strong believer in female power and purpose. However, I have spent a lot of time thinking about whether it is necessary to have family, children and so on. Something happened recently in my life that has moved me to write an article directed at women who disagree with [...]

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Feminism: Is A Woman’s Place At Home?

Feminism, Motherhood, Relationships|

Have you ever thought of what means to be a woman? What is the concept of being a woman? No, I'm not talking about nasty pains through your monthly cycle, mood swings, overwhelming emotions, and you don't know where they’re coming from or why, and more. I'm talking about the sacred meaning of being a woman. [...]

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