Sex: A Balanced Perspective


Sex is one of the hottest topics of conversation. But why do we put so much emphasis on it, and not on other essentials like sleep or food? These three—food, sleep, and sex—are fundamental to our well-being, and when they are balanced, life feels fulfilling. However, when any one of them is neglected or overindulged, [...]

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Being a Woman, Being Different and Being Yourself


I remember myself at age 14 looking at myself in the mirror and thinking that the way I was built was pretty remarkable. And it wasn’t because I was beautiful or had a decent body shape at that time because I truly had no real idea of body image. I was more of an observer [...]

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Motherhood... One day you are a girl and then basically overnight you become a mother. What’s motherhood? No one tells us how it is being pregnant and being somewhat protective of yourself and your child and then opa! A child pops up and your feelings and hormones are different. You look at this little pumpkin, [...]

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The Beauty of Traditions: How They Enrich Our Lives and Strengthen Our Bonds

Life, Motherhood, Relationships|

Traditions. What does that mean to you? What thoughts do you start having after you read this? Did it trigger something in your memory?  What Are Traditions? When I hear the word “traditions” it evokes so many feelings, memories, and thoughts. It touches me so deeply that sometimes I feel like I’m on a different [...]

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Bad Language

Feminism, Husband and Wife, Life, Motherhood, Relationships|

This is an essay about bad language. Although the word is not used often, bad language is often referred to by the slang term “cussing” or more specifically: cursing. Cursing is exactly that.  Casting a Spell You are casting a curse or a spell with your language. Keep in mind that I am a second-language [...]

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Children Are Influenced By Their Parents Happiness


Whenever I’m out, I take some time to observe my surroundings, usually couples. Whether I’m at the Farmers Market, a cafe, store, or a restaurant – I pay attention to couples and how they interact with their kids. Today, I want to talk about couples and their relationships with their children as well as the [...]

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Pregnancy Is The Biggest Gift For A Woman


The other day I was out shopping and overhead a conversation between two girls. One of them was pregnant and the other clearly wasn’t. The pregnant girl told her friend that she can’t wait for when she gives birth. She elaborated and said she is tired of carrying a child around. Personally, I can empathize [...]

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