Sex in Relationships: A Call for Respect, Communication, and Self-Discovery

Husband and Wife, Relationships|

Some time ago I wrote an article about sex in relationships and that garnered lots of feedback from all of you; Negative as well as positive. Beyond Buzzwords and "Correct" Phrases Communicating with you makes me see how little we really know about sex. We all know buzzwords and "correct" phrases but in reality, we [...]

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Bad Language

Feminism, Husband and Wife, Life, Motherhood, Relationships|

This is an essay about bad language. Although the word is not used often, bad language is often referred to by the slang term “cussing” or more specifically: cursing. Cursing is exactly that.  Casting a Spell You are casting a curse or a spell with your language. Keep in mind that I am a second-language [...]

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Emotional Attachment or Dependence in Relationships.

Feminism, Husband and Wife, Life, Relationships|

One of the biggest reasons people have difficulty in their relationships, sometimes even without an actual problem, is because of emotional dependence. This can be anything from a dependency from family members, loved ones, people we know, to even our friends' moods. For instance some relationship examples could be: She’s in a good mood and she [...]

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Are You Holding Sex Hostage?

Feminism, Husband and Wife, Life, Relationships|

Many of us have had those relationships where the sex is fantastic in the beginning. You and your partner are really close, you constantly talk and spend your time together, but after a little while, it all fades. All of a sudden questions start to rise to the surface like, “How come he isn’t paying any [...]

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