Expectations of Women: Living In The Moment

Feminism, Motherhood, Relationships|

WHY DO WE WANT MORE THAN WE HAVE? WHY IS IT THAT IT ALWAYS SEEMS THAT WE CAN’T LIVE IN AND APPRECIATE THE MOMENT UNTIL IT IS OVER? Today, I woke up thinking about these questions. I’ve written a lot of articles and said a lot of things, but I don’t want you to think for [...]

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Home Or Work? A Woman’s Purpose


Have you ever thought about what it means to be a woman? Aside from the stereotypes of mood swings and overwhelming emotions, I’m referring to the essence of where those stereotypes come from. Nowadays, we often pay too much attention to the idea of equality, be it in careers, money or whatever. We find ourselves drained, [...]

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Women’s Magic: Expectations on Gender Roles In Society


The sun and the moon and the sheer magical power of being a woman. I am a firm believer in the power of women. Beyond just believing, I used to use it in my own life and watch as it affected my life and those around me. However, today many of us have no idea of [...]

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Women: Happiness Through Love


The other day my husband and I went to get a cup of coffee in one of our favorite places. While we were enjoying ourselves, we overheard a conversation between two women. Initially, we didn’t pay any attention to them, but this girl was so loud, so… eventually, we ended up overhearing her conversation, even though [...]

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Happiness: The Importance of Spirituality


Many spiritual teachers focus on the importance of limitless love to God or the Universe before examining other areas. Here’s an example: Newborn babies can't survive without the help of an adult. Babies instinctively seek out their mother's breasts and find comfort from their parents’ smell because they can't see quite yet. A baby’s cries can [...]

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Feminism: Is A Woman’s Place At Home?

Feminism, Motherhood, Relationships|

Have you ever thought of what means to be a woman? What is the concept of being a woman? No, I'm not talking about nasty pains through your monthly cycle, mood swings, overwhelming emotions, and you don't know where they’re coming from or why, and more. I'm talking about the sacred meaning of being a woman. [...]

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The Secret To Help You Truly Enjoy Life

Feminism, Life|

I want to drop a couple of thoughts about self-esteem in relation to women, and its importance. If we don't have it, first of all, we’ll start having a bunch of problems related to the lack of it. second, we’ll refuse to acknowledge our nature without even recognizing it. And third, we can't really have life [...]

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In Pursuit Of Youth And The “Ideal” Body Type

Feminism, Relationships|

As always on weekends, my husband and I go out to do things together. Those days usually include just hanging out and holding hands, having lunches, grabbing and sharing chocolate in one of the chocolateries around LA, shopping, going to the movies, museums ... you name it. Anyway, with the summer sale going on, there was [...]

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Is what you wear attracting the man you want?

Feminism, Relationships|

Where should I start? Hmmm... There are so many ways that I can address this topic that I sometimes get lost in my own thoughts. We live in a society that sells women's sexuality left and right. I'm sure I’m not the first person you hear that from; it's often been discussed. Some people listen and [...]

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What No One Tells You About Beauty, Confidence, And Aging

Feminism, Life|

I'm not going to talk about this a lot, but I just want to touch this subject gently, as I believe a lot of us don't think deeply about confidence. We have a lot of books on self esteem and confidence, but do we think about the discrepancy between the two? Let's start with a realization [...]

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