The Magic of Being a Woman


I am a firm believer in the power of being a woman. A few might even think I am crazy, which of course, is their choice. Despite this, I would like to offer you the chance to open your mind and read this article if you are interested in the power of women. You may [...]

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Success Doesn’t Just Come Easy

Feminism, Relationships|

I know a lot of very successful people and I’ve been observing them. I’ve always been interested them. They’re always busy - as if they don't have a life, right? However, they do. If you look at their schedule they have tons of meetings, dinners, and other social events to attend. They almost always have [...]

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Men Are The Sun, Women Are The Moon

Feminism, Relationships|

I have made a comparison between men and women and the sun and the moon in a few of my posts. It wasn’t a coincidence! Men and women each have a certain type of energy that our nature is based on. If we follow that basis, we usually feel happy, calm, secure, and our relationships as [...]

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Dealing with Divorce and Loneliness

Feminism, Husband and Wife, Life, Relationships|

I have found that in my years, many people tend to trust me. They tell me things that they’d never tell anyone else. The other day while I was getting my facial, I was talking to my beautician about her divorce. When the beautician started telling me her story, I began thinking about how us, women, are [...]

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Social Media Has Made Us Obsessed With Virtual Attention

Feminism, Life, Social Media|

Almost everyone has at least one social media account. When I say almost everyone, it means there are still a few who don’t have any social media accounts. Having an account instills a sense of pride and if, for any reason, you don’t have one, certain crowds consider you a “weirdo”. Personally, our social media obsession [...]

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There Is A Difference Between Being Smart And Wise

Feminism, Life, Relationships|

Every time I read a new comment online or meet another woman who believes her pivot is being super smart, or hear a story of a broken family with a “successful “ woman, I feel like I need to talk more about it! Women need to be women first and foremost. I will try to give [...]

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How He Treats You Correlates To Your Self-Esteem

Feminism, Relationships|

What do his gifts say about you? Do you like it when a man buys you gifts? Do you accept it? Do you want more, or have you even received one? When I say gifts, I’m not talking about gift cards or something bought last-minute just to avoid embarrassment. I’m talking about an actual thought-out gift [...]

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Feminism, Life, Motherhood, Relationships|

Whenever I'm out, I take some time to observe my surroundings, particularly couples. Whether I'm at the farmers market, a cafe, a store or a restaurant, I pay attention to couples and how they interact with their kids. Today, I want to talk about couples and their relationships with their children as well as the tendencies [...]


The Joy Of A Housewife

Feminism, Life, Motherhood|

So I have a friend who over the last couple months has told me that she doesn't want to stay at home anymore. She feels things at home are becoming stale, uninteresting and pretty much every other synonym of the word boring. Yesterday, I met another woman who said to me that her grandmother taught her [...]

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