Loneliness Can Affect Anyone

Feminism, Life|

Loneliness comes in many shapes and forms. No matter what your physical state may be, it is possible that you could fall victim to loneliness. Just because your physically alone doesn’t mean you feel constant loneliness and just because you have someone there with you doesn’t mean you aren’t lonely. Being lonely can even be a [...]

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Realizing Who You Truly Are


From an early age men and women have each been classified as what they should be. Men should be tough, brave, hard-working, and the provider. Women should be caring, loving, sensitive, and the homemaker. But is this who you are? As women we are classified as many things by society: wife, mother, homemaker, etc. Women have [...]

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What Do You Value More, Being Smart Or Being Wise?


There are different types of women when it comes to what they value most. Let me show you the difference between a woman who values the brain (I’ll call her “Smarty”) and a woman who values wisdom (I’ll call her “Wisdom”). Every time Smarty sees a mistake, she will point it out to her man and [...]

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Be Your Own Woman!


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about the role of the woman and her role and purpose.  Everyone knows how much I value this and I want to dive deeper into the idea of having children and a family.  I wanted to write this article to address the people that perhaps have a different [...]

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The Many Roles of Women


I have a friend who is a housewife and in the last couple of months, she has been saying things like, “I don’t want to stay home, be bored and become boring. It’s not interesting – it’s degrading”. Yesterday, I met a woman who said to me with pride, “My grandmother taught me that I have [...]

Cooking & The Kitchen: A Women’s Role


Today I want to talk about cooking, the kitchen, food and the “chores” commonly associated with the female gender. Since ancient times, the kitchen has been considered a sacred place where food is cooked and family gathers. It is a shared space. It was a place where yelling, cursing and trash were prohibited. Today, many of [...]

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Society’s Standards For Women


I just got back from a social event where I saw a very successful woman. She has been career-oriented and aggressively working for a very long time. I know for a fact that she doesn’t let fear of gender discrimination stop her in her successful endeavors. She was impeccably dressed at the event: classy, combed, and [...]

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Women Are Naturally Homebodies And Should Stay That Way


Yesterday I had a conversation with one of my close acquaintances. We talked about her daughter, and she shared that she pushes her daughter to be active and participate in sports. I asked her why she wants her daughter to be active in sports, but she wasn’t able to give me a reasonable answer. A lot [...]

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The Pride of Being a Woman


I have a friend who is a housewife and in the last couple of months, she has been saying things like, “I don't want to stay home, be bored and become boring. It's not interesting - it’s degrading”. Yesterday, I met a woman who said to me with pride, “My grandmother taught me that I [...]

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Society Is Brainwashing Women


I know that many of you when reading articles think - “I am not going to sit home, not going to serve that stupid man, not going to become a dumb chicken mama because everyone who stays at home is close to degrading”. But are those concerns justified? Can a woman be truly happy and [...]

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